Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 396 403 y[o] ymo (imo), - ymago (imago) Latin
Abbreviation 397 403 y[o] ydeo (ideo) Latin
Abbreviation 398 403 y[ari] ymaginari (imaginari) Latin
Abbreviation 399 403 y[u] Yesu (Iesu) Latin
Abbreviation 400 403 ya[du] ymaginandum (imaginandum) Latin
Abbreviation 401 403 ybnie Ybernie (Hiberniae) Latin
Abbreviation 402 403 yco[m] yconomum (oeconomum) Latin
Abbreviation 403 403 yct[r]icie yctericie (icteritiae) Latin
Abbreviation 404 403 yd[a] ydra (hydra) Latin
Abbreviation 405 403 yd[tas] ydentitas (identitas) Latin
Abbreviation 406 403 yde[te] ydentitate (identitate) Latin
Abbreviation 407 403 ydeps ydemptitas (identitas) Latin
Abbreviation 408 403 ydeo[a] ydeoma (idioma) Latin
Abbreviation 1323 402 Xana Christiana Latin
Abbreviation 1325 402 xar decimarum Latin
Abbreviation 1328 402 xbr decembris Latin
Abbreviation 1330 402 Xi Christi Latin
Abbreviation 1332 402 X[i]i Christi Latin
Abbreviation 1333 402 x[e]l Christe eleyson Latin
Abbreviation 1337 402 xl[e] quadragesimae Latin
Abbreviation 1338 402 xlm[a] quadragesima Latin
Abbreviation 1339 402 Xmo Cristianesimo Italian
Abbreviation 1340 402 xlsimo quadragesimo Latin
Abbreviation 1341 402 X? Christum Latin
Abbreviation 1342 402 x? Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1343 402 XP Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1345 402 x?el Christe eleyson Latin
Abbreviation 1346 402 X?i Christi Schrift: Merowingisch Latin
Abbreviation 1347 402 XPI Christi im Siegel Latin
Abbreviation 1349 402 x?ia Christina Latin
Abbreviation 1350 402 x?iana christiana Italian
Abbreviation 1351 402 X?ine Christinae Latin
Abbreviation 1352 402 X?m Christum Latin
Abbreviation 1353 402 X?o Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1354 402 x?o Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1355 402 X?oforo Christoforo Latin
Abbreviation 1356 402 x?off[o] Christofforo (Christoforo) Latin
Abbreviation 1357 402 X?s Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1358 402 X?? Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1359 402 x?tni Christiani Latin
Abbreviation 1360 402 X? Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1361 402 XS Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1362 402 Xt[o] Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1363 402 XTO Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1364 402 Xxi Xerxi Latin
Abbreviation 1365 402 xx[ti]milio Vigintimilio Latin
Abbreviation 1303 401 X Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1304 401 X Obulus unus medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1305 401 X Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1306 401 X Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1307 401 x[a] decima Latin
Abbreviation 1308 401 x[ce] decem Latin
Abbreviation 1309 401 x[i] Christi Latin
Abbreviation 1310 401 x[m] Christum Latin
Abbreviation 1311 401 x[m] decem Latin
Abbreviation 1312 401 x[mas] decimas Latin
Abbreviation 1313 401 X[no] cristiano Italian
Abbreviation 1314 401 X[o] Christo Latin
Abbreviation 1315 401 X[ro] Christophoro Latin
Abbreviation 1316 401 X[s] Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1317 401 X[s] Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1318 401 X[?] Christus Latin
Abbreviation 1319 401 X[i]ai Christiani Latin
Abbreviation 1320 401 X[i]an Christianus Latin
Abbreviation 14358 401 X Christoforos Latin
Abbreviation 12450 400 Wills Willelmus Latin
Abbreviation 12474 400 wlds Fuldensis Latin
Abbreviation 12502 400 wlg[r] vulgariter Latin
Abbreviation 12528 400 wlgait vulgariter Latin
Abbreviation 12555 400 VVLL Variae lectiones Latin
Abbreviation 12580 400 Wllo Willelmo Latin
Abbreviation 12598 400 wlna vulnera Latin
Abbreviation 12613 400 wlne vulnere Latin
Abbreviation 12631 400 wlt[r] vultur Latin
Abbreviation 12655 400 W[a]lthi Waltheri Latin
Abbreviation 12680 400 VVEE Vostre Eccellenze Italian
Abbreviation 12707 400 Vuidura Vuilhermus Durandi juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 12726 400 wn funus Latin
Abbreviation 12742 400 vun verun (veruno) Italian
Abbreviation 12761 400 Wiz Wizardinus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 12781 400 Wz Wizardinus (Guizardinus) juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 12795 400 VVVDDD Viri devoti [tres] Latin
Abbreviation 12814 400 vx uxor, - uxoris Latin
Abbreviation 12825 400 vx uxorem Latin
Abbreviation 12834 400 vz videlicet Latin
Abbreviation 12426 399 vtm vocativum Latin
Abbreviation 12436 399 utm utrumque Latin
Abbreviation 12449 399 v[m]tn verumtamen Latin
Abbreviation 12465 399 uto utero Latin
Abbreviation 12471 399 utor vertor Latin
Abbreviation 12482 399 utq uterque Latin
Abbreviation 12494 399 ut[i]q utriusque Latin
Abbreviation 12508 399 vt[m]q utrumque Latin
Abbreviation 12523 399 vtr utrumque Latin
Abbreviation 12540 399 utrq utrumque Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 12551 399 vtrq utrumque Latin
Abbreviation 12572 399 uts ut supra Latin
Abbreviation 12577 399 uts ut supra Latin
Abbreviation 12590 399 uts[a] ut supra Latin
Abbreviation 12599 399 u[i]tu virtù Italian