Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 9072 292 ps[do] praeservando Latin
Abbreviation 9073 287 ppor[ole] proportionalem Latin
Abbreviation 9074 278 pnps porta nova parochia sancti… Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 9075 293 psns praesens Latin
Abbreviation 9076 203 litime legitti (legitime) Latin
Abbreviation 9077 286 ppi praepositi Latin
Abbreviation 9078 285 ppea propterea Latin
Abbreviation 9079 250 Omps Omnipotens Latin
Abbreviation 9080 205 lo[a]lr localiter Latin
Abbreviation 9081 289 Praeal Praeallegatus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9082 296 ptic[m] participium Latin
Abbreviation 9083 271 phe philosophiae Latin
Abbreviation 9084 264 p[c]ca[n] peccamen Latin
Abbreviation 9085 291 prs patris Latin
Abbreviation 9086 270 pf[ema] perfectissima Latin
Abbreviation 9087 267 pdee prodesse Latin
Abbreviation 9088 290 pria patria Latin
Abbreviation 9089 278 pnps princeps Latin
Abbreviation 9090 283 pp pater patriae Latin
Abbreviation 9091 256 p Solutio medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9092 275 plt penultima juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9093 276 pmu[l] permutabilis Latin
Abbreviation 9094 287 ppor[ot] proportionaliter Latin
Abbreviation 9095 205 long[me] longissime Latin
Abbreviation 9096 263 PBPO Post beatorum pedum oscula Latin
Abbreviation 9097 278 pns penses, -praesens Latin
Abbreviation 9098 292 ps[e] psalmistae Latin
Abbreviation 9099 288 p[e]pto praeposito Latin
Abbreviation 9100 296 ptin pertinentiae Latin
Abbreviation 9101 282 po[a]ret[r] portaretur Latin
Abbreviation 9102 291 PS Provincia Siciliae Latin
Abbreviation 9103 250 Ompt Omnipotens Latin
Abbreviation 9104 203 littpat litterae patentes Latin
Abbreviation 9105 271 phe[o] prohemio (proemio) Latin
Abbreviation 9106 283 pp parte praesente, - proximi praeteriti Latin
Abbreviation 9107 278 pns praesens Latin
Abbreviation 9108 269 peetre [de] poenitentiis et remissionibus Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 38 Latin
Abbreviation 9109 287 pprea propterea Latin
Abbreviation 9110 256 p publicus Latin
Abbreviation 9111 275 plta planetam Latin
Abbreviation 9112 289 pread praedicta, - praedicenda Latin
Abbreviation 9113 205 loq loquitur Latin
Abbreviation 9114 295 p[t]tata potestativa Latin
Abbreviation 9115 292 ps[i] psalmi Latin
Abbreviation 9116 276 pmu[ar] permutatur Latin
Abbreviation 9117 285 Ppemiss Proposita emissa Latin
Abbreviation 9118 278 p9ns per consequens Latin
Abbreviation 9120 251 OP Alumen plumosum medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9121 271 phes proheres Latin
Abbreviation 9122 290 pria patriam Latin
Abbreviation 9123 269 pes penes Latin
Abbreviation 9124 291 P. S. Parochia Sancti... Latin
Abbreviation 9125 267 p[v]dna prudentia Latin
Abbreviation 9126 205 loq loquitur Latin
Abbreviation 9127 203 liu liviensis Latin
Abbreviation 9128 296 ptin pertinentiarum Latin
Abbreviation 9129 288 ppts praepositus Latin
Abbreviation 9130 190 it interest Latin
Abbreviation 9131 263 PBR Presbyter im Siegel Latin
Abbreviation 9132 285 ppen papiensis Latin
Abbreviation 9133 270 pfa[r] proferatur Latin
Abbreviation 9134 287 ppos praepositos Schrift: Beneventana Latin
Abbreviation 9135 264 pcare procurare Latin
Abbreviation 9136 278 pnse praetensae Latin
Abbreviation 9137 194 iusti[o]ni iustificationi Latin
Abbreviation 9138 292 ps[is] praemissis Latin
Abbreviation 9139 284 pp[i] perpetui Latin
Abbreviation 9140 271 phet prohibet Latin
Abbreviation 9141 269 pe[a]s poenas Latin
Abbreviation 9142 289 praedi praefulgeat dignitate juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9143 293 psnte praesente Latin
Abbreviation 9144 275 plta planetam Latin
Abbreviation 9145 205 loq[a] loquentia Latin
Abbreviation 9146 291 ps pars Latin
Abbreviation 9147 201 legma legitima Latin
Abbreviation 9148 190 it interest Latin
Abbreviation 9149 290 priar[a] Patriarcha Latin
Abbreviation 9150 296 ptin pertinentiis Latin
Abbreviation 9151 271 phi prohibet Latin
Abbreviation 9153 287 ppos praepositi Latin
Abbreviation 9154 285 ppes properes Latin
Abbreviation 9155 203 LJul. Lex Julia Latin
Abbreviation 9156 250 omptm omnipotentem Latin
Abbreviation 9157 264 pc[r]ato procuratio Latin
Abbreviation 9158 288 pp[i]u proprium Latin
Abbreviation 9159 296 ptin pertinet Latin
Abbreviation 9160 269 pes pensionem Latin
Abbreviation 9161 284 pp[i] proprii Latin
Abbreviation 9162 275 pltimi penultimi Latin
Abbreviation 9163 286 ppi praepositi Latin
Abbreviation 9164 291 ps pars Latin
Abbreviation 9165 292 ps[o] psalmo Latin
Abbreviation 9166 256 P Psalmus Latin
Abbreviation 9167 267 pdi[o] proditio Latin
Abbreviation 9168 285 ppet praeparet Latin
Abbreviation 9169 271 Phi Philippi Latin
Abbreviation 9170 205 loqmi loquimini Latin
Abbreviation 9171 278 pnsi praetensi Latin
Abbreviation 9172 287 ppo[a]t[r] praeponatur Latin
Abbreviation 9173 289 prand patrandum Latin