Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 12606 394 VMSEOF Vale mi suavissime et optime frater Latin
Abbreviation 4768 384 v[at] valeat Latin
Abbreviation 4752 383 v valent, - videlicet, - undique Latin
Abbreviation 4818 385 VAL Valesiae Latin
Abbreviation 4812 385 va valet Latin
Abbreviation 14483 392 vl valet Latin
Abbreviation 4751 383 v valet, - videlicet Latin
Abbreviation 4825 385 valt valete Latin
Abbreviation 14478 392 vl valete Latin
Abbreviation 12699 392 v[te]iX[o] Valete in Christo Latin
Abbreviation 4821 385 Valle Vallentiae Latin
Abbreviation 4820 385 Vall Bleg Vallis Blegni Latin
Abbreviation 4822 385 Vallice Valliscamonicae Latin
Abbreviation 4824 385 Vallug Vallislugani Latin
Abbreviation 4823 385 valline Vallistellinae Latin
Abbreviation 4804 385 v[ta] valuta Italian
Abbreviation 12162 386 VB Vaporis balneum juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 12555 400 VVLL Variae lectiones Latin
Abbreviation 4816 385 va[r]i[t] variat Latin
Abbreviation 12034 386 vari[ne] variatione Latin
Abbreviation 12088 386 varo variationem Latin
Abbreviation 12055 386 vari[t] variatum Latin
Abbreviation 12075 386 varm[o]is variis modis Latin
Abbreviation 12010 386 var[ij] Varisii Latin
Abbreviation 12593 392 Vix[o] Varixio Latin
Abbreviation 12921 397 VS Vecchio Stile Italian
Abbreviation 12945 387 vehnr vehementer Latin
Abbreviation 14474 392 ul vel langob. Schrift Latin
Abbreviation 14475 392 ul vel Latin
Abbreviation 14476 392 ul vel Latin
Abbreviation 14477 392 ul vel Latin
Abbreviation 3852 198 l vel Latin
Abbreviation 3853 198 l vel Latin
Abbreviation 14488 392 vlc[a] vel circa Latin
Abbreviation 14485 392 vl[c] vel sic Latin
Abbreviation 12057 388 vel velis Latin
Abbreviation 12087 388 Velleg Vellegiani (Vellejani) [senatus consultus] Latin
Abbreviation 12441 393 vll vellet Latin
Abbreviation 12066 388 ueld velud (velut) Latin
Abbreviation 12898 387 ve[d] velud (velut) Latin
Abbreviation 4771 384 v[d] velud (velut) Latin
Abbreviation 12232 393 vli veluti Latin
Abbreviation 12651 399 UU veluti Latin
Abbreviation 12924 387 ved[t] vendidit Latin
Abbreviation 12235 388 ueo veneno Latin
Abbreviation 12769 394 vn[le] venerabilem Latin
Abbreviation 12140 388 ven venerabili Latin
Abbreviation 12157 388 Ven[ab] Venerabilibus Latin
Abbreviation 12214 388 uen[a]b venerabilibus Latin
Abbreviation 12755 394 vn[ab] venerabilibus Latin
Abbreviation 12179 388 ven[al] venerabilis Latin
Abbreviation 12218 388 uenis venerabilis Latin
Abbreviation 12229 388 uenlis venerabilis Latin
Abbreviation 12678 394 un venerabilis Latin
Abbreviation 4786 384 v[lis] venerabilis Latin
Abbreviation 13192 396 ur venerabilis, -vir religiosus, -vir reverendus Latin
Abbreviation 12683 387 Vdo Venerando Latin
Abbreviation 12130 388 Ven Veneris Latin
Abbreviation 14114 411 Veneris [signum] Veneris [signum] konventionelles Zeichen Latin
Abbreviation 12122 388 Ven Venetiani Italian
Abbreviation 12202 388 ven[o] Venetiano Italian
Abbreviation 12109 388 Ven Venetiis, - Venerabilis Latin
Abbreviation 12955 387 vei[le] veniale Latin
Abbreviation 12909 387 ve[li] veniali Latin
Abbreviation 12965 387 vei[t] venialiter Latin
Abbreviation 12918 387 ve[t] venit Latin
Abbreviation 12330 388 uet[i] ventri Latin
Abbreviation 12341 388 uet[r]m venturum Latin
Abbreviation 14758 528 u ver... German
Abbreviation 14755 528 v ver..., vir... German
Abbreviation 14756 528 v ver..., vir... German
Abbreviation 14757 528 v ver..., vir... German
Abbreviation 4761 384 v[a] vera, - una, - vicinia Latin
Abbreviation 4810 385 va vera, - verba Latin
Abbreviation 14423 384 v[a] vera, -una, -vicina Latin
Abbreviation 4815 385 u[r]acit[r] veraciter Latin
Abbreviation 4766 384 u[a] veram Latin
Abbreviation 4811 385 va verba Latin
Abbreviation 14426 385 va verba Latin
Abbreviation 12245 386 UBA verba Latin
Abbreviation 4763 384 u[a] verba, - vera Latin
Abbreviation 4764 384 u[a] verba, - vera Latin
Abbreviation 12280 386 vbali verbali Latin
Abbreviation 12268 386 vba verbera Latin
Abbreviation 12563 389 vi verbi Latin
Abbreviation 4777 384 v[i] verbi Latin
Abbreviation 12647 387 VDM Verbi Dei Minister Latin
Abbreviation 12089 389 UG verbi gratia Latin
Abbreviation 12146 389 vg[a] verbi gratia Latin
Abbreviation 12188 389 vg[a] verbi gratia Latin
Abbreviation 12331 386 vbi[a] verbi gratia Latin
Abbreviation 12686 389 vi[a] verbi gratia Latin
Abbreviation 4765 384 v[a] verbi gratia Latin
Abbreviation 12574 389 vi verbi, -vini Latin
Abbreviation 12217 386 vb verbis Latin
Abbreviation 12347 392 vis verbis Latin
Abbreviation 14768 528 vbl verbleibt German
Abbreviation 14769 528 vbleibt verbleibt German
Abbreviation 12448 395 vo verbo Latin
Abbreviation 4772 384 v[o] verbo, - verso, - virgo Latin