Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

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Abbreviation 1608 404 ypo[ca] ypotheca (hypotheca) Latin
Abbreviation 1609 404 ypo[ce] ypothetice (hypothetice) Latin
Abbreviation 1610 404 ypo[cos] ypotheticos (hypotheticos) Latin
Abbreviation 1611 404 Yr Yrnerius (Irnerius) juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1614 404 ys Ysaias [Propheta] Latin
Abbreviation 1615 404 Ysa Ysaias [Propheta] Latin
Abbreviation 1616 404 Ysid[i] Ysidori (Isidori) Latin
Abbreviation 1617 404 yso[le] ysocele (isocele) Latin
Abbreviation 1618 404 ystio ystrio (histrio) Latin
Abbreviation 1624 405 Zab Zabarella juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1623 405 zab Zambarella (Zabarella) juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1627 405 zel zelus Latin
Abbreviation 1625 405 Ze Zestarius (Sextarius) Latin
Abbreviation 1635 405 zz zinziber (zingiber) medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1636 405 zz zinziber (zingiber) medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1628 405 Zo Zoanne (Giovanni) Italian
Abbreviation 1632 405 ZoJa Zoanne Jacobo Latin
Abbreviation 1630 405 zo[ci] zodiaci Latin
Abbreviation 1631 405 Zohe Zohanne (Giovanni) Italian
Abbreviation 1633 405 zuch zuchate Mass Italian
Abbreviation 14360 405 zuch zuchate Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Italian
Abbreviation 1634 405 Zwer Zwerinensi Latin
Abbreviation 8356 202 lib [Ad] libitum medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9266 269 pet [ad] petitionem Latin
Abbreviation 10399 314 qs [ad] quaestorem - [ad] quaestionem Latin
Abbreviation 4819 385 val [Ad] valorem Latin
Abbreviation 8541 239 noprae [Ad]nostram praesentiam Latin
Abbreviation 7637 243 null [a] nulla ora Latin
Abbreviation 11651 361 sr [a] sero Latin
Abbreviation 13033 260 pa [De iure] patronatus Dekretale: lib. III. tit. 38 Latin
Abbreviation 12880 357 S-P- [Delle] Scuole Pie, -Sotto protesto kirchliche Abkürzung Italian
Abbreviation 264 7 Accu [De] accusationibus Dekretale: lib. V, tit. I Latin
Abbreviation 652 19 Aposta [De] Apostatis Dekretale: lib. I, tit. 9 Latin
Abbreviation 2583 18 Ap [De] Appellationibus Dekretale: lib. II, tit. 28 Latin
Abbreviation 2534 23 Arbi [De] Arbitris Dekretale: lib. I, tit. 42 Latin
Abbreviation 6190 32 bapt [De] baptismo Dekretale: lib. III, tit. 42 Latin
Abbreviation 1076 33 Big [De] Bigamis Dekretale: lib. I, tit. 21 Latin
Abbreviation 1645 51 celemis [De] celebratione missarum Dekretale: lib. III, tit. 41 Latin
Abbreviation 1652 51 Censi [De] Censibus, [exationibus et procurationibus] Dekretale: lib. II, tit. 39 Latin
Abbreviation 1757 54 Clepe [De] Clericis peregrinis Dekretale: lib. I, tit. 22 Latin
Abbreviation 1758 54 clepugidu [De] clericis pugnantibus in duello Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 14 Latin
Abbreviation 1759 54 clernord [De] clerico non ordinato [ministrante] Dekretale: lib. V,. tit. 28 Latin
Abbreviation 1760 54 clervena [De] clerico venatore Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 24 Latin
Abbreviation 1844 56 cogle [De] cognatione legali Dekretale: lib. IV, tit. 12 Latin
Abbreviation 1850 56 cogspi [De] cognatione spirituali Dekretale: lib. IV, tit. 11 Latin
Abbreviation 1979 58 colludete [De] collusione detegenda Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 22 Latin
Abbreviation 1907 59 Commo [De] Commodato (Decr., lib. III. tit. 15) Latin
Abbreviation 1972 60 Confes [De] confessis Dekretale: lib. II, tit. 18 Latin
Abbreviation 1980 60 Confiruti [De] confirmatione utili [et inut.] Dekretale: lib. II, tit. 30 Latin
Abbreviation 3556 81 9sa affi [de] consanguinitate et affinitate juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2953 65 cri. fal. [De] crimine falsi Dekretale: lib.V, tit.20 Latin
Abbreviation 6508 93 deci [De] decimis Dekretale: lib. III, tit. 30 Latin
Abbreviation 2478 94 delic. pu. [De] delictis puerorum Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 23 Latin
Abbreviation 2709 99 Dila [De] dilationibus Dekretale: lib. II, tit. 8 Latin
Abbreviation 3118 107 dona [De] donationibus Dekretale: lib. III, tit. 24 Latin
Abbreviation 3425 115 ecaedi [De] ecclesiis aedificandis Dekretale: lib.III, tit.48 Latin
Abbreviation 3684 119 Ele [De] electione [et electi potestate] Dekretale: lib. I, tit. 6 Latin
Abbreviation 6383 128 Excep [De] exceptionibus Dekretale: lib.II, tit.25 Latin
Abbreviation 8565 202 libob [De] libelli oblatione Dekretale: lib. II, tit. 3 Latin
Abbreviation 6962 212 magi [De] magistris Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 5 Latin
Abbreviation 6953 213 Ma&obe [De] Maioritate et obedientia Dekretale: lib. I, tit. 33 Latin
Abbreviation 11460 210 M[to]dnpp[e] [de] mandato domini nostri papae Latin
Abbreviation 7586 228 Mupeti [De] mutuis petitionibus Dekretale: lib. II, t.4 Latin
Abbreviation 8417 246 obie [De] observatione jeiunorum Dekretale: lib. III, tit. 46 Latin
Abbreviation 8358 248 Offle [De] officio legati Dekretale: lib. I, tit. 30 Latin
Abbreviation 8535 248 Ofpri [De] officio primicerii Dekretale: lib. I., tit. 25 Latin
Abbreviation 7958 254 Orcogni [De] ordine cognitionum Dekretale: lib. II, tit. 10 Latin
Abbreviation 8168 261 Pac [De] pactis Dekretale: lib.I, tit. 35 Latin
Abbreviation 9108 269 peetre [de] poenitentiis et remissionibus Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 38 Latin
Abbreviation 13341 305 qaghd [de] quo agitur habendas Latin
Abbreviation 10075 325 re iu [De] regulis iuris. Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 41 Latin
Abbreviation 10132 325 reli do [De] religiosis Domibus Dekretale: lib. III, tit. 36 Latin
Abbreviation 11469 353 simo [De] simonia Dekretale: lib. V, tit. 3 Latin
Abbreviation 12297 356 solu [De] solutionibus Latin
Abbreviation 11425 365 stamo [De] statu monacorum Dekretale: lib. III, tit. 35 Latin
Abbreviation 11881 364 st [de] subto (Sonnenuntergang) Latin
Abbreviation 12293 388 versig [De] verborum significatione Dekretale: lib. V, tit 40 Latin
Abbreviation 13058 374 thimo [Epist. ad] Thimotheum Latin
Abbreviation 10524 333 RoultE [Epistola ad] Romanos, [capite] ultimo E. Latin
Abbreviation 300 8 ad[o] [ex] adverso Latin
Abbreviation 4463 136 feCaRe [Ex] felicibus Castris Regiis Latin
Abbreviation 10459 183 integre [in] integrum restitutione Dekretale: lib. I., tit. 41 Latin
Abbreviation 13670 416 IIIRVII [libro] tertio Regnum [capitulo] VII römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 9773 282 posb [post] pedum oscula beatorum Latin
Abbreviation 7510 216 mer [Sti] Mercurialis Ortsspezifisch: Forli Latin