Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 11894 372 tcia tercia (tertia) Latin
Abbreviation 11846 372 t[r]cente[o] tercentesimo Latin
Abbreviation 6187 369 t ter, -trans Latin
Abbreviation 6185 369 t ter Latin
Abbreviation 11648 373 ten tenore, - tenutae Latin
Abbreviation 11658 373 ten tenore, - tenutae Latin
Abbreviation 11631 373 ten tenore Ortsspezifisch: Rom Latin
Abbreviation 12390 377 tnr tenetur, - tenentur Latin
Abbreviation 12073 374 tet[r] tenetur Latin
Abbreviation 12093 374 tet[r] tenetur Latin
Abbreviation 12862 371 t[r] tenetur Latin
Abbreviation 13059 372 te[r] tenetur Latin
Abbreviation 13091 372 tez tenet Latin
Abbreviation 11697 373 ten& tenet Latin
Abbreviation 6321 370 t tenet Latin
Abbreviation 6323 370 t tenet Latin
Abbreviation 11708 373 ten& teneret Latin
Abbreviation 13015 379 tpd tenere, posidere, donare Latin
Abbreviation 11903 373 tere tenere Latin
Abbreviation 11750 373 teor teneor Latin
Abbreviation 11717 373 ten[r] tenentur Latin
Abbreviation 11743 373 tent[r] tenentur Latin
Abbreviation 11673 373 ten& tenent Latin
Abbreviation 11680 373 ten& tenent Latin
Abbreviation 6326 370 t tenent Latin
Abbreviation 11734 373 tened tenendam Latin
Abbreviation 11594 373 tem[r] tenemur Latin
Abbreviation 11568 373 teb[o]s tenebrosus Latin
Abbreviation 12304 377 tnb[i]s tenebris Latin
Abbreviation 11575 373 teb[a]s tenebras Latin
Abbreviation 11547 373 tebat[r] tenebantur Latin
Abbreviation 13051 372 tea[r] teneatur Latin
Abbreviation 12889 371 t[s] tempus Latin
Abbreviation 12890 371 t[s] tempus Latin
Abbreviation 12160 380 tp? tempus Latin
Abbreviation 12180 380 tps tempus Latin
Abbreviation 12327 380 tpus tempus Latin
Abbreviation 12586 378 tp tempus Latin
Abbreviation 6440 370 t tempus Latin
Abbreviation 11585 373 tem temptationis kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 11868 373 tepta[o] temptationem Latin
Abbreviation 11783 373 tep[oe] temptatione (tentatione) Latin
Abbreviation 12303 380 tp[a]tio temptatio (tentatio) Latin
Abbreviation 11875 373 tepto temptatio Latin
Abbreviation 11857 373 tep[a]ri temptari (tentari) Latin
Abbreviation 12261 380 tptai temptari (tentari) Latin
Abbreviation 13086 379 tp[a]m[r] temptamur (tentamur) Latin
Abbreviation 11831 373 tep[a]coi temptacioni (tentationi) Latin
Abbreviation 13102 379 tpm temporum Latin
Abbreviation 13154 379 tpis temporis Latin
Abbreviation 13164 379 tpis temporis Latin
Abbreviation 12106 377 tmpis temporis Latin
Abbreviation 6468 370 t[is] temporis Latin
Abbreviation 13002 379 tpb temporibus Latin
Abbreviation 13173 379 tpib temporibus Latin
Abbreviation 13180 379 tpib temporibus Latin
Abbreviation 13054 379 tpr tempore Latin
Abbreviation 13060 379 tpr tempore Ortsspezifisch: Ligurien Latin
Abbreviation 13068 372 te[e] tempore Latin
Abbreviation 13210 379 tpe tempore Latin
Abbreviation 13216 379 tpe tempore Latin
Abbreviation 11764 373 TEP Tempore Latin
Abbreviation 11840 373 tepe tempore Latin
Abbreviation 12016 377 TMP tempore Latin
Abbreviation 12036 380 tpre tempore Latin
Abbreviation 14473 380 TR Tempore Latin
Abbreviation 12078 380 tpre tempore Latin
Abbreviation 12409 380 TR Tempore Latin
Abbreviation 6460 370 t[e] tempore Latin
Abbreviation 12894 379 tpa[r] temporaliter Latin
Abbreviation 12958 379 tpalr temporaliter Latin
Abbreviation 13112 379 tplr temporaliter Latin
Abbreviation 12892 371 t[s] temporalis [investitura] Latin
Abbreviation 12932 379 tpal temporalis Latin
Abbreviation 12874 379 tpa[b] temporalibus Latin
Abbreviation 11621 373 templibus temporalibus Latin
Abbreviation 12946 379 tpalia temporalia Latin
Abbreviation 12108 380 tpr[a]li temporali Latin
Abbreviation 12604 379 tp[le] temporale Latin
Abbreviation 12778 379 tpa tempora Latin
Abbreviation 12011 380 tpra tempora Latin
Abbreviation 13074 379 tpo tempo Italian
Abbreviation 11793 373 tep[m] templum Latin
Abbreviation 13129 379 TPLA Templa Latin
Abbreviation 12747 379 tpa[a] temperata Latin
Abbreviation 12992 379 tpat temperat Latin
Abbreviation 12923 379 tpae temperare Latin
Abbreviation 11810 373 tepan[e] temperantiae Latin
Abbreviation 12974 379 tpan[a] temperantia Latin
Abbreviation 6204 369 t tavole Italian
Abbreviation 12980 371 tar Tarvisii Latin
Abbreviation 12295 372 t[a]de tarde Latin
Abbreviation 12168 376 tm[o] tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 12197 382 ttmodo tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 11900 377 tmm[o] tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 11927 377 tmmo tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 11982 377 tm[o]o tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 14468 376 tm[oo] tantummodo Latin
Abbreviation 12081 372 t[m]d tantumdem Latin
Abbreviation 12192 376 tmd tantumdem Latin