Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 12509 381 tsto testamento (Sardinien) Latin
Abbreviation 12151 382 TTM Testamento Latin
Abbreviation 12015 382 tt[o] testamento Latin
Abbreviation 11821 374 testi testamenti, - testamonio Latin
Abbreviation 11719 372 TC Testamenti causa Latin
Abbreviation 11957 373 tes[ti] testamenti Latin
Abbreviation 12796 381 TT[i] testamenti Latin
Abbreviation 11776 374 testarii testamentarii Latin
Abbreviation 11653 374 testa testamenta Latin
Abbreviation 13541 416 III tertius römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 11968 375 ti[m] tertium Latin
Abbreviation 12125 376 tm tertium Latin
Abbreviation 12138 382 ttiol tertiolorum [denariorum] Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 6469 370 t[lor] tertiolorum [denarior.] Latin
Abbreviation 12400 382 tz tertiolorum Latin
Abbreviation 12767 381 tt tertiollorum [denariorum] Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 12183 376 t[o]m[o] tertio modo Latin
Abbreviation 4025 424 3[oo] tertio modo arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 13604 416 IIIO tertio römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 6474 370 t[o] tertio Latin
Abbreviation 12809 381 tt[i] tertii Latin
Abbreviation 4027 424 3[ru] tertiarum arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 12094 382 tti[a] tertiana medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 12273 377 t[a]na tertiana Latin
Abbreviation 12118 382 ttia[m] tertiam Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 4020 424 3[a] tertiam arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 6461 370 t[e] tertiae Latin
Abbreviation 6443 370 t[a] tertia Latin
Abbreviation 6448 370 t[a] tertia Latin
Abbreviation 13584 416 IIJ[a] tertia römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 11996 375 tia tertia Latin
Abbreviation 12345 381 tsi tersi Latin
Abbreviation 12153 381 troe terrore Latin
Abbreviation 12090 381 tro territorio Latin
Abbreviation 11882 376 titor[o] territorio Italian
Abbreviation 11925 373 terr[o] territorio Latin
Abbreviation 11935 373 terro territorio Latin
Abbreviation 12030 382 tt[o] territorio Latin
Abbreviation 12487 380 tr terris Latin
Abbreviation 12829 380 tri[li] terribili Latin
Abbreviation 12816 380 tre terrenus Latin
Abbreviation 12255 377 tna terrena Latin
Abbreviation 12740 380 tre terre Italian
Abbreviation 12716 380 trar terrarum Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 6189 369 t terrae (Vicenza) Latin
Abbreviation 12792 380 tre terrae Latin
Abbreviation 13082 372 te terrae Latin
Abbreviation 12660 380 tralit terra litigiosa Latin
Abbreviation 12533 380 TRA Terra Latin
Abbreviation 12566 380 tra terra Italian
Abbreviation 12906 371 ta terra Italian
Abbreviation 14482 380 tra terra Italian
Abbreviation 12150 376 tm terminus Latin
Abbreviation 12254 381 ts terminus Latin
Abbreviation 12364 382 tus terminus Latin
Abbreviation 11811 377 tmi terminus Latin
Abbreviation 4032 424 3[us] terminus arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 4033 424 3[us] terminus arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 11639 377 TMDD terminum dedicavit Latin
Abbreviation 11613 376 tin terminum Latin
Abbreviation 11966 377 tmn terminum Latin
Abbreviation 12060 381 trm terminum Latin
Abbreviation 12134 376 tm terminum Latin
Abbreviation 12176 375 tim terminum Latin
Abbreviation 12464 380 tr terminum Latin
Abbreviation 14382 380 tr[nu] terminum Latin
Abbreviation 6471 370 t[m] terminum Latin
Abbreviation 12187 381 tros terminos Latin
Abbreviation 11736 376 tios terminos Latin
Abbreviation 4038 424 3[nos] terminos arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 12485 378 tor terminorum Latin
Abbreviation 12124 381 tro termino (Mailand) Latin
Abbreviation 11691 376 tino termino Latin
Abbreviation 11711 376 tio termino Latin
Abbreviation 11828 377 tmio termino Latin
Abbreviation 11886 373 ter[o] termino Latin
Abbreviation 11913 373 terno termino Latin
Abbreviation 12000 377 tmo termino Latin
Abbreviation 14464 376 tio termino Latin
Abbreviation 11782 376 tis terminis Latin
Abbreviation 11849 377 tmis terminis Latin
Abbreviation 11987 375 ti[s] terminis Latin
Abbreviation 11768 377 tmi termini Italian
Abbreviation 11884 375 ti termini Latin
Abbreviation 11902 375 ti termini Latin
Abbreviation 12169 375 tii termini Latin
Abbreviation 4030 424 3[i] termini arabische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 12156 375 tie[r] terminetur Latin
Abbreviation 12091 375 tiat[r] terminatur Latin
Abbreviation 12013 375 tia[r] terminatur Latin
Abbreviation 12103 375 tiato terminato Latin
Abbreviation 12050 375 tia[o] terminatio Latin
Abbreviation 12079 375 tiari terminari Latin
Abbreviation 12037 375 tia[l] terminabilis Latin
Abbreviation 12161 374 tgo tergo Latin
Abbreviation 6475 370 t[o] tergo Italian
Abbreviation 11892 373 Terd Terdonae Latin
Abbreviation 13136 372 tdon Terdonae Latin
Abbreviation 11916 372 tcio tercio (tertio) Latin
Abbreviation 11804 372 tca[e] tercianae (tertianae) Latin