Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 499 13 aliq[a]lr aliqualiter Latin
Abbreviation 500 13 aliq[a]r aliqualiter Latin
Abbreviation 501 13 aliqn aliquando Latin
Abbreviation 502 13 aliq[a]tlo aliquantulo Latin
Abbreviation 503 13 alis animalis Latin
Abbreviation 504 13 alit aliter Latin
Abbreviation 413 12 agtos aggravatos Latin
Abbreviation 414 12 ai[a] anima Latin
Abbreviation 416 12 ai animi Latin
Abbreviation 418 12 ai animus Latin
Abbreviation 419 12 ai[ca] alica (aliqua) Latin
Abbreviation 421 12 ai[m] animum Latin
Abbreviation 422 12 ai[oo] aliquo modo Latin
Abbreviation 424 12 aia anima Latin
Abbreviation 425 12 aiadutend animadvertendum Latin
Abbreviation 428 12 aial animal Latin
Abbreviation 430 12 aial animalis Latin
Abbreviation 431 12 aiar animarum Latin
Abbreviation 433 12 aiaru animarum Schrift: Langobardisch Latin
Abbreviation 435 12 aiato animationem Latin
Abbreviation 437 12 aic amicis Latin
Abbreviation 439 12 aici[e] amicitiae Latin
Abbreviation 441 12 aie animae Latin
Abbreviation 442 12 aii animi Latin
Abbreviation 444 12 aimar animare Latin
Abbreviation 446 12 aio animo Latin
Abbreviation 449 12 ais animis Latin
Abbreviation 451 12 a[i]is aliis Latin
Abbreviation 453 12 aiu animum Latin
Abbreviation 455 12 AK ante kalendas Latin
Abbreviation 456 12 Al. Alanus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 460 12 al Albertus, - Albericus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 464 12 A? Talentum Latin
Abbreviation 468 12 al antelata Latin
Abbreviation 469 12 Al Alias Latin
Abbreviation 471 12 al alibi Latin
Abbreviation 473 12 al animal Latin
Abbreviation 477 12 al animal, -aliis, -alias Latin
Abbreviation 409 11 ag[m] agnum Latin
Abbreviation 410 11 ag[tos] aggravatos Latin
Abbreviation 411 11 ag[r] agitur Latin
Abbreviation 412 11 agd agendum Latin
Abbreviation 415 11 ag& agent Latin
Abbreviation 417 11 agdr aggreditur Latin
Abbreviation 420 11 age[ca] angelica Latin
Abbreviation 423 11 age agere Latin
Abbreviation 426 11 ag[s] et int[us] agens et interveniens Latin
Abbreviation 429 11 agi augusti Latin
Abbreviation 432 11 agg Aggei [Prophetia] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 434 11 agg[ari] aggravari Latin
Abbreviation 436 11 agg[tu] aggregatum Latin
Abbreviation 438 11 ag[e]ga[a] aggregata Latin
Abbreviation 440 11 aggat aggravatis Latin
Abbreviation 443 11 agg[a]u aggravet Latin
Abbreviation 445 11 agl angelis Latin
Abbreviation 448 11 agli angeli Latin
Abbreviation 450 11 agli[ti] agilitati Latin
Abbreviation 452 11 aglor angelorum Latin
Abbreviation 454 11 agls angelus Latin
Abbreviation 457 11 AGMAGD Agens Magistratum dixit Latin
Abbreviation 459 11 AGN Agnus Latin
Abbreviation 461 11 Agn Augustinus Latin
Abbreviation 462 11 agnd agendis Latin
Abbreviation 466 11 ag[i]s agris Latin
Abbreviation 470 11 ag[o]sce agnoscere Latin
Abbreviation 472 11 agsti Augusti Latin
Abbreviation 474 11 agt agunt Latin
Abbreviation 475 11 AGV Agens vices Latin
Abbreviation 478 11 AH Anno Haegirae Latin
Abbreviation 480 11 Ah Archiepiscopi Latin
Abbreviation 574 10 aduso adverso Latin
Abbreviation 575 10 adute advertere Latin
Abbreviation 576 10 ae a mane Latin
Abbreviation 577 10 ae animae Latin
Abbreviation 578 10 ae aere Latin
Abbreviation 579 10 aec anno aerae communis Latin
Abbreviation 580 10 AECEV At ego contra eam vindico Latin
Abbreviation 581 10 aecls aecclesia (ecclesia) Latin
Abbreviation 582 10 Aest Aestimatio Latin
Abbreviation 583 10 aet aetatis Latin
Abbreviation 584 10 AF Advocatus Fiscalis Latin
Abbreviation 585 10 AF affectus Latin
Abbreviation 586 10 AF ad finem Latin
Abbreviation 587 10 AF ante factum, - actum fide Latin
Abbreviation 588 10 af a folio Italian
Abbreviation 589 10 AFF Annum faustum felicem Latin
Abbreviation 590 10 aff[a] affirmativa Latin
Abbreviation 591 10 aff[o] affirmatio Latin
Abbreviation 592 10 aff[ua] affirmativa Latin
Abbreviation 593 10 affcm affectum Latin
Abbreviation 594 10 affcoe affectione Latin
Abbreviation 595 10 affcs affectus Latin
Abbreviation 596 10 affis affinis Latin
Abbreviation 597 10 affm affectum Latin
Abbreviation 598 10 affra affirmativa Latin
Abbreviation 599 10 AG Augusti Latin
Abbreviation 600 10 Ag Argentum Latin
Abbreviation 601 10 ag Augustus, - Augustinus Latin
Abbreviation 602 10 ag ager Latin
Abbreviation 603 10 ag agit Latin