Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 12267 393 vlia universalia Latin
Abbreviation 12305 393 vlir universaliter Latin
Abbreviation 12246 393 vli[m] universalium Latin
Abbreviation 12441 393 vll vellet Latin
Abbreviation 12476 393 vlr universaliter Latin
Abbreviation 12526 393 vlr universaliter Latin
Abbreviation 12588 393 vlt videlicet in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 12603 393 vlt videlicet in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 12676 393 vlti ultimi Latin
Abbreviation 12718 393 vltis ultimis Latin
Abbreviation 14484 392 vl[a] ultima Latin
Abbreviation 14485 392 vl[c] vel sic Latin
Abbreviation 14486 392 vl[o] ultimo Latin
Abbreviation 14487 392 vl[t] videlicet Latin
Abbreviation 12791 393 VM Vostra Magnificenza, - Vostra Maestà Italian
Abbreviation 12849 393 vm verbum Latin
Abbreviation 12419 394 vmec verum eciam (etiam) Latin
Abbreviation 12519 394 vmptn verumptamen (verumtamen) Latin
Abbreviation 12556 394 VMS Vestrae Magnificentiae Servus Latin
Abbreviation 12581 394 vms videmus Latin
Abbreviation 12606 394 VMSEOF Vale mi suavissime et optime frater Latin
Abbreviation 12621 394 Vmtn Verumtamen Latin
Abbreviation 12665 394 vn unde Latin
Abbreviation 12710 394 vn unum Latin
Abbreviation 12844 394 vnait unanimiter Latin
Abbreviation 12851 394 vnaqq unaquaeque Latin
Abbreviation 12883 394 vnis universis Latin
Abbreviation 14772 528 vnom vernommen German
Abbreviation 12936 394 vno[o] uno modo Latin
Abbreviation 12953 394 vnr videntur Latin
Abbreviation 14773 528 vns unser German
Abbreviation 14774 528 vns unser German
Abbreviation 14775 528 vns unser German
Abbreviation 14777 528 vnsn unsern German
Abbreviation 14776 528 vns[n] unsern German
Abbreviation 12961 394 vnt[r] videntur Latin
Abbreviation 12378 395 vnus universis Latin
Abbreviation 12755 394 vn[ab] venerabilibus Latin
Abbreviation 12769 394 vn[le] venerabilem Latin
Abbreviation 12407 395 vo vero Italian
Abbreviation 12431 395 vo vero Latin
Abbreviation 12448 395 vo verbo Latin
Abbreviation 14613 528 vo vor German
Abbreviation 14614 528 vo von German
Abbreviation 12687 395 vob vobis Latin
Abbreviation 12705 395 vob verborum obligationem Latin
Abbreviation 12789 395 vole[s] volentes Latin
Abbreviation 12823 395 voltis voluntatis in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 12838 395 volu[t] voluntatum Latin
Abbreviation 12864 395 Von Veronensis Latin
Abbreviation 12392 396 Vona Verona Latin
Abbreviation 12600 396 vor verborum Latin
Abbreviation 14612 528 vorgter vorgemelter (vorgenannter) German
Abbreviation 12739 396 Vot Vota, - Vovet Latin
Abbreviation 12639 395 vo[arie] voluntarie Latin
Abbreviation 12570 395 vo[ar] vocatur Latin
Abbreviation 12625 395 vo[ar] vocaliter Latin
Abbreviation 12491 395 vo[a] vocamus Latin
Abbreviation 12853 395 vo[a]m vocamus Latin
Abbreviation 12479 396 vo[a]nr vocantur Latin
Abbreviation 12548 396 vo[a]nt[r] vocantur Latin
Abbreviation 12632 396 vo[a]s voluntas Latin
Abbreviation 12758 396 vo[a]t vocat Latin
Abbreviation 12780 396 vo[a]t vocatis Latin
Abbreviation 12803 396 vo[a]t vocatur Latin
Abbreviation 12817 396 vo[a]tis voluntatis Latin
Abbreviation 12797 396 vo[a]t[r] vocatur Latin
Abbreviation 12541 395 vo[do] volendo Latin
Abbreviation 12654 395 vo[t] voluntatis Latin
Abbreviation 12856 396 VP Vostra Paternità Italian
Abbreviation 12871 396 VP Aqua pluvialis medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 12884 396 VPMR Vostra Paternità Molto Reverenda Italian
Abbreviation 12915 396 vpR[ma] Vestra Paternitas Reverendissima XV Latin
Abbreviation 13003 396 vq[a] unquam Latin
Abbreviation 13120 396 vr vester, -videtur, -videlicet Latin
Abbreviation 13137 396 vr vester Latin
Abbreviation 13145 396 vr urina Latin
Abbreviation 13157 396 vr versus Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 13168 396 VR Victoria Regina Italian
Abbreviation 13181 396 VR Vostra Reverenza Italian
Abbreviation 13062 396 vra vestra Latin
Abbreviation 12401 397 VRA Vostra Reale Altezza Italian
Abbreviation 12420 397 VraPta Vostra Paternità Italian
Abbreviation 12432 397 VRB Vir Beatissimus Latin
Abbreviation 12496 397 Vrcuet Urcei Veteres Ort Latin
Abbreviation 12549 397 vreS Vestrae Sanctitatis Latin
Abbreviation 14610 528 vrl uwer (euer) libden German
Abbreviation 12669 397 vrm vestrum Latin
Abbreviation 12701 397 vro vostro Italian
Abbreviation 12720 397 vro vestro Latin
Abbreviation 12749 397 VRP Vestra Reverendissima Paternitas Latin
Abbreviation 13071 396 vr[a] vestra Latin
Abbreviation 12861 397 VS Vestrae Sanctitatis, - Vale Salve (im Briefe), - Vicinia Sancti ... Ortsspezifisch: Parma Latin
Abbreviation 12903 397 VS Vestrae Sublimitatis Latin
Abbreviation 12908 397 VS Vostra Signoria Italian
Abbreviation 12916 397 VS Vester Servitor Latin
Abbreviation 12921 397 VS Vecchio Stile Italian
Abbreviation 12933 397 vs versus Latin
Abbreviation 12951 397 vs verus Latin
Abbreviation 14611 528 vs Vers German