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Found: 14685

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Abbreviation 2583 18 Ap [De] Appellationibus Dekretale: lib. II, tit. 28 Latin
Abbreviation 2584 18 Ap Archiepiscopus Latin
Abbreviation 2585 18 ap apud Latin
Abbreviation 2586 18 ap apud Latin
Abbreviation 2588 18 ap amplius Latin
Abbreviation 2591 18 ap amplius Latin
Abbreviation 2593 18 Ap Apostolus Latin
Abbreviation 13081 18 ap aprilis Latin
Abbreviation 2605 18 apa apostema Latin
Abbreviation 2606 18 apa apostema Latin
Abbreviation 2608 18 apca apostolica Latin
Abbreviation 2609 18 apcn anno post Christum natum Latin
Abbreviation 2611 18 apd apud Latin
Abbreviation 2616 18 apl? apostolus Latin
Abbreviation 2615 18 aplb apostolicam benedictionem Latin
Abbreviation 2617 18 Apli Apostoli Latin
Abbreviation 2618 18 aplica apostolica Latin
Abbreviation 2619 18 aplice apostolicae in päpstlichen Bullen Latin
Abbreviation 2620 18 aplis aprilis Latin
Abbreviation 643 19 aplm apostolum Latin
Abbreviation 644 19 aplo apostolo Italian
Abbreviation 645 19 aplor apostolorum Latin
Abbreviation 646 19 apls apostolus Latin
Abbreviation 642 19 APM annorum plus minus Latin
Abbreviation 649 19 apo apostolus Latin
Abbreviation 651 19 Apobre Appellationis obstaculo remoto Latin
Abbreviation 652 19 Aposta [De] Apostatis Dekretale: lib. I, tit. 9 Latin
Abbreviation 653 19 apostls apostolus Latin
Abbreviation 650 19 apo[c] Apocalypsis Latin
Abbreviation 654 19 APP appellatum Latin
Abbreviation 655 19 app appenditiis Latin
Abbreviation 656 19 app apparet Latin
Abbreviation 657 19 app apparent Latin
Abbreviation 672 19 appat appareat Latin
Abbreviation 671 19 appa[oe] appropriatione Latin
Abbreviation 674 20 appb appellationibus Latin
Abbreviation 675 20 appbad approbandum Latin
Abbreviation 1462 20 appellre appellatione remota Latin
Abbreviation 1465 20 appen[a] apparentia Latin
Abbreviation 1458 20 appe[l] appetibilis Latin
Abbreviation 3895 20 apphn[b] apprehensionibus Latin
Abbreviation 3896 20 appiq[a]t appropinquat Latin
Abbreviation 3897 20 appit apperit (aperit) Latin
Abbreviation 3898 20 appl applicandorum Latin
Abbreviation 3899 20 applat[r] appellatur Latin
Abbreviation 3900 20 appllois appellationis Latin
Abbreviation 3901 20 appm appositionem Latin
Abbreviation 3902 20 appn apparentia Latin
Abbreviation 3905 20 appns apparens Latin
Abbreviation 3906 20 appnti apparenti Latin
Abbreviation 3903 20 appn[a] apparentiam Latin
Abbreviation 3907 20 APPO apud praefectum praetorio Latin
Abbreviation 3909 20 appom appositionem Latin
Abbreviation 3908 20 appo[r] apponitur Latin
Abbreviation 3910 20 apptis approbatis Latin
Abbreviation 3911 20 appui apposui Latin
Abbreviation 3912 20 appxiat approximat Latin
Abbreviation 3913 20 appxi[a]t approximatum Latin
Abbreviation 658 19 app[a] apparentiam Latin
Abbreviation 659 19 app[co] applicò (giunse) Italian
Abbreviation 660 19 app[co] apprehencio (apprehensio) Latin
Abbreviation 661 19 app[d] appellandum Latin
Abbreviation 673 19 app[i]at appropriat Latin
Abbreviation 3904 20 app[i]nq[a]t appropinquat Latin
Abbreviation 662 19 app[ne] appellationem Latin
Abbreviation 663 19 app[nib] appellationibus Latin
Abbreviation 664 19 app[o] appellationem Latin
Abbreviation 667 19 app[re] appellare Latin
Abbreviation 665 19 app[r] appellatur Latin
Abbreviation 666 19 app[r] appretiator Latin
Abbreviation 669 19 app[tr] appellatur Latin
Abbreviation 670 19 app[tr] apprehenditur Latin
Abbreviation 668 19 app[t] appellat Latin
Abbreviation 3914 20 apr aprilis Latin
Abbreviation 3916 20 apre apostolico rescripto, - aperte rebelles, - appellatione remota Latin
Abbreviation 3915 20 aprl aprilis Latin
Abbreviation 3917 20 aps apostolus Latin
Abbreviation 3918 20 Apsele Apostolicae sedis legatus Latin
Abbreviation 3919 20 APT ad potestatem tuam Latin
Abbreviation 676 21 aptis approbatis Latin
Abbreviation 3920 20 apti[e] aptitudine Latin
Abbreviation 3921 20 apti[ne] aptitudinem Latin
Abbreviation 677 21 apto aperitio Latin
Abbreviation 2589 18 ap[a] apta Latin
Abbreviation 2595 18 ap[ca] apostolica Latin
Abbreviation 2594 18 ap[c] apostolicis Latin
Abbreviation 2596 18 ap[d] apud Latin
Abbreviation 2597 18 ap[is] appellationis Latin
Abbreviation 2613 18 ap[i]l Aprilis Latin
Abbreviation 2598 18 ap[ne] aptitudinem Latin
Abbreviation 2599 18 ap[nu] appellationum Latin
Abbreviation 647 19 ap[o]ne appositione Latin
Abbreviation 648 19 ap[o]ne appellationem Latin
Abbreviation 2600 18 Ap[r] Apostolorum Latin
Abbreviation 2602 18 ap[t] aput (apud) Latin
Abbreviation 678 21 aq aqua pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 679 21 aq aquae Latin
Abbreviation 680 21 aq aquae Latin
Abbreviation 683 21 aq aquam Latin
Abbreviation 3086 21 AQIS Aquilana Stipulatio Latin