Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 192 5 abns absens Latin
Abbreviation 191 5 abnia absentia Latin
Abbreviation 190 5 abne absolutione Latin
Abbreviation 189 5 abna absentia Latin
Abbreviation 187 5 ablto ablativo Latin
Abbreviation 186 5 abltm ablativum Latin
Abbreviation 185 5 ablom ablationem Latin
Abbreviation 182 5 ablo ablatio Latin
Abbreviation 184 5 ablo ambulatio Latin
Abbreviation 180 5 abla[o] ambulatio Latin
Abbreviation 181 5 ablats ablativus Latin
Abbreviation 179 5 abla ambula Latin
Abbreviation 177 5 abi[te] abilitatem (habilitatem) Latin
Abbreviation 178 5 abin abinde Latin
Abbreviation 176 5 abi ab invicem Latin
Abbreviation 175 5 abhoia[le] abhominabile Latin
Abbreviation 174 5 abd Abdiae [Prophetia] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2242 4 Abbti Abbati Latin
Abbreviation 2241 4 Abbta Abbatissa Latin
Abbreviation 2240 4 abbt abbatem Latin
Abbreviation 2239 4 abbs abbas Latin
Abbreviation 2238 4 abbra abbreviatura Latin
Abbreviation 2237 4 abbis abbatis Latin
Abbreviation 2236 4 abbia abbatia Latin
Abbreviation 2235 4 abbi abbati Latin
Abbreviation 2234 4 abbes abbates Latin
Abbreviation 2233 4 abbassa abbatissa Latin
Abbreviation 2232 4 abba abbatissa Latin
Abbreviation 2231 4 abb abbas Latin
Abbreviation 2220 4 AB Artium Baccalaureus Latin
Abbreviation 2221 4 ab abbas [Lapus] juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2222 4 ab Ambrosius Latin
Abbreviation 183 4 ab ab una parte, - ab alia ... Ortsspezifisch: Parma Latin
Abbreviation 14553 528 ab aber German
Abbreviation 14554 528 ab aber German
Abbreviation 14555 528 ab aber German
Abbreviation 166 4 aa[ti] animati Latin
Abbreviation 173 4 aati animati Latin
Abbreviation 172 4 AASS Academiae Antiquarianae Societatis socius Latin
Abbreviation 170 4 aar animarum Latin
Abbreviation 171 4 aar Aaron Latin
Abbreviation 169 4 AAPP Amplissimi Patres Latin
Abbreviation 168 4 aac ante auditam causam Latin
Abbreviation 167 4 aaa amalgama medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 53 3 AA Augusti [duo] Latin
Abbreviation 54 3 AA ana - anima medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 55 3 aa ana medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 56 3 AA anima Latin
Abbreviation 57 3 aa anima Latin
Abbreviation 464 12 A? Talentum Latin
Abbreviation 266 7 a9ciasi acconciarsi Italian
Abbreviation 221 6 A&C Augustus et Caesar Latin
Abbreviation 13886 411 a soldi a soldi konventionelles Zeichen Italian
Abbreviation 13462 413 A 500 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 13467 413 A 5000 römische Zahl Latin
Abbreviation 2 2 A Augustus, - Augustinus Latin
Abbreviation 3 1 A Accursius, - Albericus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 4 1 A Alumen medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 5 1 A Atramentum medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 6 1 A Amen Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 7 1 A Antiphona Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 8 1 A Amalgama medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 9 1 A Antiphona Latin
Abbreviation 10 1 a annus Latin
Abbreviation 11 1 a annus Latin
Abbreviation 12 1 a aut Latin
Abbreviation 13 1 a aut Latin
Abbreviation 14 1 a autem Latin
Abbreviation 15 1 a autem Latin
Abbreviation 16 1 a autem Latin
Abbreviation 17 1 a aut Latin
Abbreviation 18 1 a aut Latin
Abbreviation 19 1 a aut Latin
Abbreviation 22 1 a apparet Latin
Abbreviation 23 1 a apparent Latin
Abbreviation 207 2 a albus Latin
Abbreviation 5203 85 ?[v]unt[r] coniunguntur Latin
Abbreviation 5194 85 ?[v]u congruum Latin
Abbreviation 2758 78 ?[v]o[s] congruos Latin
Abbreviation 2204 76 ?[v]i congrui Latin
Abbreviation 710 70 ?[v]a congrua Latin
Abbreviation 695 70 ?[ti] continenti, - constituti Latin
Abbreviation 696 70 ?[ti] continenti, - constituti Latin
Abbreviation 639 69 ?[re] convenire Latin
Abbreviation 3564 81 ?[o]sce cognoscere Latin
Abbreviation 996 73 ?[o]es conclusiones Latin
Abbreviation 625 69 ?[o] communicatio Latin
Abbreviation 629 69 ?[o] conclusio Latin
Abbreviation 3050 83 ?[i]t[r] convenitur Latin
Abbreviation 3042 83 ?[i]t communiter Latin
Abbreviation 3044 83 ?[i]t convenit Latin
Abbreviation 3546 81 ?[i]s communis Latin
Abbreviation 3522 81 ?[i]re convenire Latin
Abbreviation 2761 78 ?[i]or convenientior Latin
Abbreviation 2760 78 ?[i]om communionem Latin
Abbreviation 2757 78 ?[i]o convenio Latin
Abbreviation 991 73 ?[i]e[a]m convenientiam Latin
Abbreviation 992 73 ?[i]en[a] convenientia Latin
Abbreviation 777 71 ?[i]co communicationem Latin
Abbreviation 767 71 ?[i]cio cognicio (cognitio) Latin