Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 311 8 ade[a]te adaequate Latin
Abbreviation 310 8 adee adesse Latin
Abbreviation 309 8 addr additur Latin
Abbreviation 308 8 addo additio Latin
Abbreviation 307 8 addi[tu] additamentum Latin
Abbreviation 306 8 add adderet Latin
Abbreviation 305 8 adbr adhibitur Latin
Abbreviation 304 8 ADAM adque (atque) amantissime Latin
Abbreviation 287 8 AD Accademico Dissonante, - Accademico Ducale Ortsspezifisch: Parma Italian
Abbreviation 288 8 ad adde, -addatur pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 289 8 ad anno Domini Latin
Abbreviation 290 8 ad aliud Latin
Abbreviation 291 8 ad adest Latin
Abbreviation 236 6 ac[ua] activa Latin
Abbreviation 235 6 ac[s] accidens Latin
Abbreviation 230 6 ac[o] actio Latin
Abbreviation 234 6 ac[oe] actione Latin
Abbreviation 233 6 ac[ns] accidens Latin
Abbreviation 232 6 ac[m] actum Latin
Abbreviation 231 6 ac[les] accidentales Latin
Abbreviation 228 6 ac[a] accidentia Latin
Abbreviation 285 8 acu actu Latin
Abbreviation 275 7 act[lr] actualiter Latin
Abbreviation 283 8 actu[t] actualiter Latin
Abbreviation 284 8 actus accusativus Latin
Abbreviation 282 8 actu actum Latin
Abbreviation 281 7 ACTT Auctoritas tua Latin
Abbreviation 280 7 actoib actionibus Latin
Abbreviation 279 7 acto accusativo Latin
Abbreviation 278 7 actm activum Latin
Abbreviation 277 7 acti[t] activitatis Latin
Abbreviation 276 7 acta activa Latin
Abbreviation 271 7 ACT auctoritas Latin
Abbreviation 272 7 act actione Latin
Abbreviation 273 7 act actus [Apostolorum] kirchliche Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 274 7 act actum Latin
Abbreviation 270 7 acq[ti] acquirenti Latin
Abbreviation 269 7 acp a capite Schrift: Westgotisch Latin
Abbreviation 268 7 ACO accusatio Latin
Abbreviation 267 7 aCn ante Christum natum Latin
Abbreviation 263 7 acc[r]s Accursius Latin
Abbreviation 241 6 acc[n]alr accidentaliter Latin
Abbreviation 240 6 acc[m] accusativum Latin
Abbreviation 251 7 acc[a]l accidentalis Latin
Abbreviation 238 6 acc[a] accidentia Latin
Abbreviation 239 6 acc[ales] accidentales Latin
Abbreviation 265 7 Accur Accursius Latin
Abbreviation 264 7 Accu [De] accusationibus Dekretale: lib. V, tit. I Latin
Abbreviation 262 7 accoi accusatori Latin
Abbreviation 261 7 acco accio (actio) Latin
Abbreviation 256 7 accn[te] accidente Latin
Abbreviation 255 7 accn[m] accidentalium Latin
Abbreviation 253 7 accn[a] accidentia Latin
Abbreviation 254 7 accn[a] accidentia Latin
Abbreviation 260 7 accnte accidente Latin
Abbreviation 259 7 accntal accidentalis Latin
Abbreviation 258 7 accns accidens Latin
Abbreviation 257 7 accnalr accidentaliter Latin
Abbreviation 252 7 accma acerrima Latin
Abbreviation 248 6 acci[s] accidens Latin
Abbreviation 244 6 acci[r] accipitur Latin
Abbreviation 246 6 acci[do] accipiendo Latin
Abbreviation 245 6 acci[b] accidentalibus Latin
Abbreviation 247 6 acci[ar] accidentaliter Latin
Abbreviation 250 7 accit accidit Latin
Abbreviation 249 6 accid[t] accidentalis Latin
Abbreviation 243 6 accat[r] accusatur Latin
Abbreviation 242 6 accat accusat Latin
Abbreviation 237 6 Acc Accipe Latin
Abbreviation 217 6 AC Anno Christi, - Ante Christum Latin
Abbreviation 218 6 ac anno currente Latin
Abbreviation 219 6 ac auditoris camerae [Notarius] Latin
Abbreviation 220 6 Ac Accursius [glossator] juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 222 6 ac a carte Italian
Abbreviation 223 6 ac acer Latin
Abbreviation 224 6 ac actus Latin
Abbreviation 226 6 ac alicuius Latin
Abbreviation 2230 4 ab[ua] abstractiva Latin
Abbreviation 2225 4 ab[t] ambit Latin
Abbreviation 2226 4 ab[t] abstractum Latin
Abbreviation 2227 4 ab[t] absolutus Latin
Abbreviation 2229 4 ab[te] absolute Latin
Abbreviation 2228 4 ab[ta] abstracta Latin
Abbreviation 2223 4 Ab[o] Ambrosius Latin
Abbreviation 2224 4 ab[oe] absolutione Latin
Abbreviation 206 5 abulo ambulationem Latin
Abbreviation 205 5 abto ablativo Latin
Abbreviation 203 5 ABT annua … bima … trima … Latin
Abbreviation 204 5 abt absolutus Latin
Abbreviation 201 5 abst[o] abstractio Latin
Abbreviation 202 5 absto abstractio Latin
Abbreviation 199 5 absolo absolutio Latin
Abbreviation 200 5 absolem absolutionem Latin
Abbreviation 197 5 abs absolutio, - absens Latin
Abbreviation 198 5 abs absque Latin
Abbreviation 196 5 abr abrade, - abrasus pharmazeutische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 195 5 abpte ab una parte Latin
Abbreviation 188 5 abn[a] absentia Latin
Abbreviation 194 5 abntiu absentium Latin
Abbreviation 193 5 abnte absente Latin