Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 2634 38 BU Bona vacantia Latin
Abbreviation 2635 38 bv bene vale, - bene valeatis (im Briefe), - Beata Virgo Latin
Abbreviation 2636 38 BV Beatitudinis Vestrae Latin
Abbreviation 2637 38 BV Balneum vaporis medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2638 38 bub bubulca, bubulcae etc. Mass Latin
Abbreviation 2639 38 bve breve Latin
Abbreviation 2640 38 bug Bugellae Ortsspezifisch: Biella Latin
Abbreviation 2641 38 buglle Bugellae Ortsspezifisch: Biella Latin
Abbreviation 2642 38 bui brevius Latin
Abbreviation 2643 38 bui[t] brevitatis Latin
Abbreviation 2644 38 buia brevia Latin
Abbreviation 2645 38 buit breviter Latin
Abbreviation 2646 38 b[e]uit breviter Latin
Abbreviation 2647 38 Bul. Bulgarus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2648 38 Bulg Bulgarus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2649 38 bul bulliat, - bulliant medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2650 38 bull bulletarum [officialis] Latin
Abbreviation 2651 38 burg burgenses Latin
Abbreviation 2652 38 burgn burgenses Latin
Abbreviation 2653 38 burgn burgensium Latin
Abbreviation 2654 38 Burij Burmij Ortsspezifisch: Bormio Latin
Abbreviation 2655 38 But Butrius (Antonio da Butrio) juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 2656 38 buticl buticularius Latin
Abbreviation 2657 38 bu[i]tr breviter Latin
Abbreviation 2658 38 bx Brixiae Latin
Abbreviation 2659 38 bxe Brixiae Latin
Abbreviation 2660 38 bybl[ca] bybliothecam Latin
Abbreviation 2661 38 bz braza (braccia) Mass Italian
Abbreviation 2662 38 bz braza (braccia) Mass Italian
Abbreviation 2663 38 bz[o] brazo (braccio) Mass Italian
Abbreviation 84 39 C Codex, - Comes, - Caput, - Congius, - centum Latin
Abbreviation 85 39 C Celestinus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 86 39 C Carantano Münze Italian
Abbreviation 87 39 C Codice juristische Abkürzung Italian
Abbreviation 88 39 c capitulus juristische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 89 39 c civis, - canonis, - centesimo Latin
Abbreviation 90 39 c conversus, confessor Latin
Abbreviation 91 39 c conversus, confessor Latin
Abbreviation 92 39 c et caetera Latin
Abbreviation 93 39 c et caetera Latin
Abbreviation 94 39 c cum Ortsspezifisch: Mailand Latin
Abbreviation 95 39 c citatio Latin
Abbreviation 96 39 c circa Latin
Abbreviation 97 39 c circa Latin
Abbreviation 98 39 c circa Latin
Abbreviation 99 39 c cum Latin
Abbreviation 100 39 c cum Latin
Abbreviation 101 39 c cum Latin
Abbreviation 102 39 c cum Latin
Abbreviation 103 39 c cum Latin
Abbreviation 104 39 c cum Latin
Abbreviation 105 39 c cum Latin
Abbreviation 106 39 c contra Latin
Abbreviation 1864 40 c confessor in Nekrologen Latin
Abbreviation 1865 40 c conversus Latin
Abbreviation 1866 40 c calcinare medizinische Abkürzung Latin
Abbreviation 1867 40 c cur Latin
Abbreviation 1868 40 c cur Latin
Abbreviation 1869 40 c cuius Latin
Abbreviation 1870 40 c cuius Latin
Abbreviation 1873 40 c cuius Latin
Abbreviation 1874 40 c cuius Latin
Abbreviation 1875 40 c cuius Latin
Abbreviation 1876 40 c9 circum Latin
Abbreviation 1877 40 c cuiusque Latin
Abbreviation 1878 40 c9 cuiuscumque Latin
Abbreviation 1879 40 c[b] cuiuslibet Latin
Abbreviation 1880 40 c[b] cuiuslibet Latin
Abbreviation 1881 40 c[di] cuiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 1882 40 c[a] centenara (centinaia) Italian
Abbreviation 1883 40 c[a] contra Latin
Abbreviation 1889 40 c[a] caetera, -causa Latin
Abbreviation 1890 40 c[a] circa Italian
Abbreviation 1928 40 c[a] cinquantina Ortsspezifisch: Modena Latin
Abbreviation 1935 40 c[a] creatura Latin
Abbreviation 1938 40 c[as] civitas Latin
Abbreviation 1939 40 C[di] Conradi Latin
Abbreviation 1941 40 c[di] cuiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 1942 40 c[dis] credendis Latin
Abbreviation 1943 40 c[i]9[cia] circumstanciam Latin
Abbreviation 1944 40 c[e] corrige Latin
Abbreviation 1945 40 C[i] Cipri Latin
Abbreviation 1946 40 C[i] Cipri Italian
Abbreviation 1947 40 C[i] Cipri Italian
Abbreviation 1948 40 c[i] cuique Latin
Abbreviation 1949 40 c[i]9 circum Latin
Abbreviation 1950 40 c[i]9[e] circumstantiae Latin
Abbreviation 1951 40 c[l] circulus Latin
Abbreviation 1952 40 C[la] Canela Mass Italian
Abbreviation 1953 40 c[ili] circuli Latin
Abbreviation 1954 40 c[i]9[r] circumstantiarum Latin
Abbreviation 1955 40 c[m] capitulum, - cum, - centum Latin
Abbreviation 2186 41 c[mo] centesimo Latin
Abbreviation 2187 41 c[o] como (come) Italian
Abbreviation 2188 41 c[o] capitulo Latin
Abbreviation 2189 41 c[o] centesimo Latin
Abbreviation 2190 41 C[o] Credito Italian
Abbreviation 2191 41 c[oi] cuiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 2192 41 c[r] cur Latin
Abbreviation 2193 41 c[r] cur Latin