Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 12932 379 tpal temporalis Latin
Abbreviation 12933 397 vs versus Latin
Abbreviation 12934 387 u[r]e9dia verecundia Latin
Abbreviation 12935 371 ta[r] taliter Latin
Abbreviation 12936 394 vno[o] uno modo Latin
Abbreviation 12937 260 p[t] prout patet Latin
Abbreviation 12938 371 ta[t] tangit Latin
Abbreviation 12939 357 Sp[e] Spectabile (Spettabile) Italian
Abbreviation 12940 371 tab tabulas Latin
Abbreviation 12941 394 unq[s]q unusquisque Latin
Abbreviation 12942 260 P[ta] Paternità Italian
Abbreviation 12944 357 sp[r] simpliciter, -super Latin
Abbreviation 12945 387 vehnr vehementer Latin
Abbreviation 12946 379 tpalia temporalia Latin
Abbreviation 12947 260 p[ta] prefata Italian
Abbreviation 12948 371 tal[a] talenta Latin
Abbreviation 12949 396 v[a]q[a] unaquanque Latin
Abbreviation 12950 371 tal talis Latin
Abbreviation 12951 397 vs verus Latin
Abbreviation 12952 371 tallij Talliacotii Latin
Abbreviation 12953 394 vnr videntur Latin
Abbreviation 12954 357 sp[s] species Latin
Abbreviation 12955 387 vei[le] veniale Latin
Abbreviation 12956 260 p[te] parte Latin
Abbreviation 12957 371 talnt talentum Latin
Abbreviation 12958 379 tpalr temporaliter Latin
Abbreviation 12959 397 us usque Latin
Abbreviation 12960 371 talr taliter Latin
Abbreviation 12961 394 vnt[r] videntur Latin
Abbreviation 12962 371 tam tantum Latin
Abbreviation 12963 260 p[te] parte praesente Latin
Abbreviation 12964 371 tam tamen Latin
Abbreviation 12965 387 vei[t] venialiter Latin
Abbreviation 12966 260 p[ti] praefati Latin
Abbreviation 12967 397 v[a]s vesperas Latin
Abbreviation 12968 357 sp[x] simplex Latin
Abbreviation 12969 387 vei[t] veritatis Latin
Abbreviation 12970 260 p[ti] praedicti Latin
Abbreviation 12972 397 v[a]s vesperas Latin
Abbreviation 12973 357 SPA Sanctus Paulus Latin
Abbreviation 12974 379 tpan[a] temperantia Latin
Abbreviation 12975 260 p[tis] paternitatis Latin
Abbreviation 12976 396 uq unquam Latin
Abbreviation 12977 371 t[i]an[lu] triangulum Latin
Abbreviation 12978 387 veisile verisimile Latin
Abbreviation 12979 371 taq[a] tanquam Latin
Abbreviation 12980 371 tar Tarvisii Latin
Abbreviation 12981 357 spa sphaera Latin
Abbreviation 12982 397 us usu, - usis, etc. Latin
Abbreviation 12983 371 TB tibi Latin
Abbreviation 12984 260 p[to] praeterito Latin
Abbreviation 12985 371 t[i]b tribus Latin
Abbreviation 12986 371 t[i]b tribus Latin
Abbreviation 12987 260 p[to] praecepto Latin
Abbreviation 12988 371 t[i]b tribus Latin
Abbreviation 12989 397 v[i]s[e] virtuose Latin
Abbreviation 12990 357 spa sphaera Latin
Abbreviation 12991 396 uq unquam Latin
Abbreviation 12992 379 tpat temperat Latin
Abbreviation 12993 260 p[to] prefato Italian
Abbreviation 12994 371 t[i]b[o] tribus modis Latin
Abbreviation 12995 260 p[to] predicto (predetto) Italian
Abbreviation 12996 165 hre habere Latin
Abbreviation 12997 260 p[tor] protestor Latin
Abbreviation 12998 165 hrem haberem Latin
Abbreviation 12999 165 HRI heres institutus Latin
Abbreviation 13000 357 sp[a] spatia Latin
Abbreviation 13001 165 hri haberi Latin
Abbreviation 13002 379 tpb temporibus Latin
Abbreviation 13003 396 vq[a] unquam Latin
Abbreviation 13004 165 hrm heredum Latin
Abbreviation 13005 165 hrs heres Latin
Abbreviation 13006 165 hrtici haeretici Latin
Abbreviation 13007 165 HS heres, - heres scriptus Latin
Abbreviation 13009 357 spa[b] specialibus Latin
Abbreviation 13010 260 p[vi] publicavi Latin
Abbreviation 13011 165 hs hic (oder hoc) supple (oder scribas) Latin
Abbreviation 13012 396 u[s]q usque Latin
Abbreviation 13013 260 PA Perpetuus Augustus Latin
Abbreviation 13014 165 hs heres Latin
Abbreviation 13015 379 tpd tenere, posidere, donare Latin
Abbreviation 13016 165 hs habes Latin
Abbreviation 13017 260 PA Pastore Arcade Italian
Abbreviation 13018 357 spa[m] spatium Latin
Abbreviation 13021 165 HSupp[do] Humilmente supplicando Italian
Abbreviation 13022 165 HT hereditatem Latin
Abbreviation 13023 357 spa[me] specialissime Latin
Abbreviation 13024 165 ht huius terrae Latin
Abbreviation 13025 165 ht habent Latin
Abbreviation 13026 165 ht habet Latin
Abbreviation 13027 165 ht habet Latin
Abbreviation 13028 165 h[e]t[r] habetur Latin
Abbreviation 13029 165 HU honesta vita, - his verbis Latin
Abbreviation 13030 252 opp[m] oppositum Latin
Abbreviation 13031 165 HU hunc Latin
Abbreviation 13034 252 opp[nus] opportunus Latin
Abbreviation 13035 260 pa praesta Latin
Abbreviation 13036 165 hu[a] humanam Latin
Abbreviation 13037 165 hu[l] humilis Latin
Abbreviation 13038 165 hua humana Latin