Cappelli Online

The information in Cappelli online was crowdsourced and compiled with the effort of many volunteers. Though experts reviewed the work, some occasional errors remain. Spellings and thus possible discrepancies were also taken directly from the printed Cappelli into the online version. For each image of an abbreviation, you can view an image of the corresponding page in Cappelli by clicking on the page number next to the abbreviation image in the results list. Thus, the entry can be cited directly from Ad fontes.

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Found: 14685

Page sort Sign sort Transcription sort Category sort Language sort Position
Abbreviation 6453 370 t[a] talia Latin
Abbreviation 6454 370 t[c] tunc Latin
Abbreviation 6455 370 t[c] tunc Latin
Abbreviation 6456 370 t[ic] triplicis Latin
Abbreviation 6457 370 t[ica] triplica Latin
Abbreviation 6458 370 t[ice] triplicem Latin
Abbreviation 6459 370 t[ici] triplici Latin
Abbreviation 6460 370 t[e] tempore Latin
Abbreviation 6461 370 t[e] tertiae Latin
Abbreviation 6462 370 t[e] tre Italian
Abbreviation 6463 370 t[e] -ter Latin
Abbreviation 6464 370 t[i] tibi Latin
Abbreviation 6465 370 t[ic] triplicis Latin
Abbreviation 6466 370 t[ici] triplici Latin
Abbreviation 6467 370 t[iis] trinitatis Latin
Abbreviation 6468 370 t[is] temporis Latin
Abbreviation 6469 370 t[lor] tertiolorum [denarior.] Latin
Abbreviation 6470 370 t[m] tantum Latin
Abbreviation 6471 370 t[m] terminum Latin
Abbreviation 6472 370 t[n] tamen Latin
Abbreviation 6473 370 t[o] totum Latin
Abbreviation 6474 370 t[o] tertio Latin
Abbreviation 6475 370 t[o] tergo Italian
Abbreviation 6476 370 t[r] tripliciter, -taliter Latin
Abbreviation 6477 93 deb[m] debitum Latin
Abbreviation 6478 93 deb[r] debitor Latin
Abbreviation 6479 93 debato deliberato Latin
Abbreviation 6480 93 debe debere Latin
Abbreviation 6481 93 debit debebit Latin
Abbreviation 6482 93 de[a]bles demonstrabiles Latin
Abbreviation 6483 93 de[a]br demonstrabitur Latin
Abbreviation 6484 93 decis decimis Latin
Abbreviation 6485 93 decla[r] declaratur Latin
Abbreviation 6486 93 declioe declinatione Latin
Abbreviation 6487 93 declom declarationem Latin
Abbreviation 6488 93 de[a]coes demonstraciones Latin
Abbreviation 6489 93 decro decreto Latin
Abbreviation 6491 93 debr decembris Latin
Abbreviation 6492 93 decru decretum Latin
Abbreviation 6493 93 Dec. Decani Latin
Abbreviation 6494 93 dee deest Latin
Abbreviation 6496 93 deee deesse Latin
Abbreviation 6497 93 decid decidendum Latin
Abbreviation 6498 93 dec decreto Latin
Abbreviation 6499 93 defd defendit Latin
Abbreviation 6500 93 defcti defuncti Latin
Abbreviation 6501 93 def[o] defensio Latin
Abbreviation 6502 93 def[e] defendere Latin
Abbreviation 6503 93 def[di] definiendi Latin
Abbreviation 6504 93 d[e]eet deessent Latin
Abbreviation 6505 93 dec de caeteris Latin
Abbreviation 6506 93 dec[l] decretalis Latin
Abbreviation 6507 93 dece[lis] decennalis Latin
Abbreviation 6511 156 h hoc Latin
Abbreviation 6512 156 h hoc Latin
Abbreviation 6513 156 h hic Latin
Abbreviation 6514 156 h hic Latin
Abbreviation 6518 156 h nihil Latin
Abbreviation 6520 156 h hac, - hoc, - her, - hec Latin
Abbreviation 6521 156 h hac, - hoc, - her, - hec Latin
Abbreviation 6522 156 h hac, - hoc, - her.., - hec Latin
Abbreviation 6523 156 h haec Latin
Abbreviation 6524 156 h haec Latin
Abbreviation 6525 156 h hac Latin
Abbreviation 6526 156 h his Latin
Abbreviation 6529 157 H hora Latin
Abbreviation 6530 157 h[o] homo Latin
Abbreviation 6531 157 h[oi] huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 6533 157 h huius Latin
Abbreviation 6534 157 h[on] hoc nomen Latin
Abbreviation 6535 157 h[oo] hoc modo Latin
Abbreviation 6536 157 h[s] huius Latin
Abbreviation 6537 157 h huius Latin
Abbreviation 6538 157 h huius Latin
Abbreviation 6539 157 h habemus Latin
Abbreviation 6540 157 ha[r] habetur Latin
Abbreviation 6541 157 h habet Latin
Abbreviation 6542 157 h habent Latin
Abbreviation 6543 157 h[a] hora Latin
Abbreviation 6544 157 h[c] hic Latin
Abbreviation 6545 157 h[c] hoc Latin
Abbreviation 6546 157 h[di] huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 6547 157 hactus hactenus Latin
Abbreviation 6548 157 h[o] hoc Latin
Abbreviation 6549 157 h[i] huiusmodi Latin
Abbreviation 6550 157 hab[r]g Hamburgensis Latin
Abbreviation 6551 157 habe habere Latin
Abbreviation 6552 157 hab[r] habitator Latin
Abbreviation 6553 157 hab[o] habitatio Latin
Abbreviation 6554 157 hab[is] habitationis Latin
Abbreviation 6555 157 h[e] habere, - haec Latin
Abbreviation 6556 157 h[et] haberet Latin
Abbreviation 6557 157 h[i] hic Latin
Abbreviation 6558 157 h[i] hic Latin
Abbreviation 6559 157 hab habent Latin
Abbreviation 6560 157 hab& haberet Latin
Abbreviation 6561 157 hab habere, - haberi Latin
Abbreviation 6562 157 hab habet Latin
Abbreviation 6564 208 M Mulier Latin
Abbreviation 6565 208 M mihi Latin